Services from Spigel Consulting
Is your organization ready to change?
Organizations are complex systems, and problems can arise from anywhere – outdated vision, mission, structure, and strategy, conflict, processes, and old ways of doing things – to name a few.
Is your team ready to change?
Teams and groups can get derailed for any number of reasons -- lack of clarity of their purpose or task, roles, responsibilities, and accountabilities, conflict, and miscommunication. We help pinpoint the source of the derailment to get your teams back on track to move the enterprise forward.
Are you ready to change?
Professional Coaching is a future focused process that uses goals and outcomes to develop leadership skills and qualities. With an optimistic/appreciative stance, clients are encouraged in their growth and development by focusing on their strengths and what they do well.
Make that change.
If you are looking to hire or to be hired, click here and enter 236291ABY in the response link box. The link will take you to a cutting edge assessment to evaluate your unique set of behaviors and motivators and illuminate how and why you do what you do. If you are ready to make a change, this understanding leads to personal and professional development and a higher level of satisfaction. If you are hiring, understanding the power of this assessment will help you find your next best candidate.
Spigel Consulting offer solutions to:
- strategic planning
- conflict resolution
- board & team development
- leadership development
- coaching for success
- hiring the right and best fit

Spigel Consulting helps organizations – and the people in them — grow and prosper by clarifying outcomes and implementing the steps to get there. What’s your/your company’s biggest concern right now?
We can help with that.